The use of Lime (Calcium Hysdroxide) is a viable alternative to heat pasterisation and a tried and test method of porcessing straw as a substrate. This is especially the case when preparing large quanties of substrate will the increased time and cost of heating. An IBC (Internation Bulk Shipping Container) can be turned into conatiner to submerge the substrate as well as mixing the substrate. With the capacity to processes up to 20kg of straw using up to 300l of water we have designed this setup to be simple to deconstruct and move.
We have taken the additional measure of using a pump to ensures an even distribution of the solution. It also allows for the transfer of the water after use for correct treatment and disposal. It’s importnat that the outflow form the IBC is greater than the pump capacity to maintain a steady flow, otherwise the pump float switch goes on and off.
We have used a xmm x xxmm wire mesh raise off the bottom of the container to aid in efficient drainage of the substrate.
- 200l plastic drum
- 3m 32mm PVC Waste Pipe
- 3x 32mm tee connector
- 1x 32mm straight connectors
- 2m 30mm Hose
- 35mm IBC adaptor
- 20-50cm 35mm Hose
- Jubillee clip
- 6x Bricks
- metal zip ties
- 1sq.m stainless steel wire mesh
- Angle Grinder
- Submersible pump
Step 1
Cut off the top third of the IBC.
Step 2
Measure and cut the wire mesh
Step 3
Measure and cut the 32mm PVC pipe. Drill 6mm holes along one side of the four main outflow pipes. Attach with the conectors.
Step 4
Fit 35mm IBC adpator and attach 30mm hose
Step 5
Position the main, lower part of IBC so the outflow hose goes into the appropiate container for the submersible pump. Alternatively you could conncet the outflow from IBC to a container but this of course requires more disabling if you need to move the equipment
Step 6
Attach the 35mm hose to the submersible pump using a jubilee clip to fasten. Insert hose into straight coupler