“In truth, I was simply in the presence of a very ordinary product of the earth, of singular and gigantic proportions. My uncle unhesitatingly called them by their real names. “It is only,” he said, in his coolest manner, “a forest of mushrooms.””

Jules Verne, Journey to the Centre of the Earth

MI-FI: (pron: mai-fai) noun, adj. 1. a genre of speculative fiction, typically dealing with imaginative concepts in someway related to the curious kingdom of Fungi.

Welcome to our collection of MI-FI novels, novellas, comics, graphic novels and films. MI-FI is a relatively new genre of speculative fiction, it’s inception following a conversation inspired by the novella “The Beauty”, by Aliya Whitely, on Sunday morning, 9th April, 2016 at approximately 09:20am.

Please help develop this library of MI-FI resources by getting involved with Mycogeneration and joining our MI-FI group and forum.


The Beauty, Aliya Whitely, 2014

Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Jules Verne, 1864

Spiral, Paul McEuen. 2011. ISBN 978-0-7553-7462-5, London: Headline Publishing Group

Tin Tin: The Shooting Star, Herge, 1961 (slightly tenuous but there’s an humongous fungus on the front cover)

The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet, Eleanor Cameron, 1954

Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Caroll, 1865


Matango, Director: Ishiro Honda, 1963

A man in a padded cell tells of being shipwrecked on a foggy island with toadstool-eating tourists.

Girl with all the Gifts, Director: Colm McCarthy, 2016

In the future, a strange fungus has changed nearly everyone into a thoughtless, flesh-eating monster. When a scientist and a teacher find a girl who seems to be immune to the fungus, they all begin a journey to save humanity.

Phantom Thread, Director: Paul Thomas Anderson, 2017

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